Thursday, December 17, 2015

What are Designer Babies?

  According to Oxford dictionary, designer babies are babies whose genetic makeup has been selected in order to eradicate a particular defect or to insure that a particular gene is present. In short, this means that parents are able to choose some traits and characteristics of their unborn children. An example of this would be eye or hair color.
  Inheritable gene modification means that when a designer baby has children, it's "designer genes" will be passed to the offspring.
  Many people disagree on the ethics of designer babies. Should parents be able to chose certain traits for their children, or should it be left up to fate?Throughout this blog we will tell you all about designer babies and the arguments that come with them.

CGS : Inheritable Genetic Modification." CGS : Inheritable Genetic Modification. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2016.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Welcome to Our Site

Hello Readers,
Our names are Kara and Simone. We are here to blog about DNA technology and its advancements and ethics in future generations. We will focus on "Designer Babies", which are babies whose traits can be selectively chosen using DNA technology. We hope you enjoy our commentary and find interest in this fascinating subject!
Your Bloggers,
Kara Pauley and Simone Oberreiter