Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Gene Splicing: Simplified

Gene splicing is when a particular piece is taken out of a DNA sequence and inserted into another gene. Restriction enzymes cut the DNA at a certain part and leave sticky ends.  Sticky ends are, "a single-stranded end of DNA or RNA having a nucleotide base sequence complementary to that of another strand, enabling the two strands to be connected by base pairing", according to  What that basically means is that sticky ends are a versatile puzzle piece which can connect two otherwise different puzzle pieces.  Gene splicing is used so that a single gene can code or fit with many different proteins.

"Gene Splicing - Alternative Splicing, Spliceosomes, Splicing Out Introns, Other Splicing Events, Recombinant Dna Technology, Applications Of Gene Splicing." - JRank Articles. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2016.

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