Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Our Stance on Gene Therapy

"Gene therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent disease," according to the Genetics Home Reference.  This means that, potentially, different genetic diseases could be cured by using this technology.  This works by inserting a new gene into the patient's damaged DNA. We believe that this practice should be allowed and encouraged. We think the government should fund gene therapy research because it has the potential to save lives in a less invasive manner than surgery or medication. This is different from designer babies because it is used only for the purpose of saving people, and not for superficial reasons. This process could help people with diseases like inherited disorders, certain types of viral infections and even some types of cancer.

"What Is Gene Therapy?" Genetics Home Reference. US National Library of Medicine, 4 Jan. 2016. Web. 6 Jan. 2016.

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