Thursday, January 14, 2016

Human Genome Project (HGP)

  The Human Genome Project, or HGP, was a project launched in the 1980s with the main goal of mapping out the entire homo sapiens genomeAccording to a website devoted to HGP, "The HGP, completed in April 2003, mapped the location of each of the genes in the human genome and sequenced--decoded--each gene's instruction. The project was overseen by both the [National Institute of Health] and the Department of Energy." 
  Now that the entire human genome was mapped out, it made it easier for scientists to study genes and go more in depth into gene manipulation. The HGP helped us to get one step closer to fully understanding our genes.

"An Overview of the Human Genome Project." An Overview of the Human Genome Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.

"Revolution in Progress: Human Genetics and Medical Research." Revolution in Progress: Human Genetics and Medical Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.

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